Social Media Policy

Welcome! If you’ve landed here, you likely came from one of’s social media pages. We are committed to fostering a positive and informative community across all of our platforms. To ensure a respectful and engaging environment, please adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Respectful Communication: Engage in discussions with respect and civility. Offensive or disruptive language, personal attacks, and threats will not be tolerated. We reserve the right to delete any comment or ban any person who violates this standard.
  2. No Trolling or Spam: Comments intended to provoke, distract, or derail discussions (trolling) and unsolicited or repetitive promotional content (spam) are not allowed. We will remove such posts and may ban users who persist in these behaviors.
  3. Accurate Information: Share accurate and truthful information. We do not tolerate disinformation or misleading content. Posts that spread falsehoods or unverified claims will be removed, and repeat offenders may be banned.
  4. Privacy and Safety: Do not share personal information, either yours or others’, in comments. Respect the privacy of individuals and avoid posting content that could compromise someone’s safety.
  5. Respect Copyrights: Ensure that any content you share complies with copyright laws. Do not post copyrighted material without proper attribution or permission.
  6. Constructive Feedback: We welcome constructive criticism and feedback. If you have concerns or suggestions, please share them in a respectful manner.
  7. Reporting Violations: If you come across content that violates our guidelines, please report it to us via the Contact Us page. We will review and take appropriate action as necessary.

By participating on our social media page, you agree to adhere to these guidelines. Our goal is to create a vibrant and respectful community for everyone involved.

Thank you for being a part of!