Fact-Check Policy

At TiffinOhio.net, we are committed to delivering accurate, reliable, and transparent news to our readers. The trust of our audience is our highest priority, and we take our responsibility seriously to ensure that the information we publish is thoroughly fact-checked.

Our Fact-Checking Process

  1. Research & Verification: Every piece of information included in our articles is researched using reputable and primary sources. Our human staff cross-check facts with multiple sources to ensure their accuracy. This includes articles that may be enhanced with generative AI.
  2. Expert Consultation: For topics requiring specialized knowledge, we consult with experts in the field to provide accurate and informed analysis.
  3. Transparency: We provide clear attribution for all our sources, including direct links whenever possible. Our readers can see where our information comes from and verify it independently.
  4. Corrections Policy: If an error is identified in our reporting, we promptly correct it. A correction note will be added to the article detailing what was changed and why. We also update the fact-check page with a record of corrections for full transparency.
  5. Editorial Independence: Our fact-checking process is independent of any influence from advertisers or sponsors. Our goal is to provide factual and timely information to our readers.
  6. Reader Engagement: We encourage our readers to reach out if they believe they have identified an error or if they have questions about our fact-checking process. You can contact us directly through the form on our Contact page.

By maintaining these standards, TiffinOhio.net strives to be a reliable source of news and information in our community. Our “ FACT-CHECKED” label is a commitment to accuracy and transparency in every article we publish.

View Record of Corrections

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