Trump floods debate with lies and distortions: 13 of his most outrageous claims


5 minute read

Ex-president Donald Trump once again took the national debate stage Tuesday night, and instead of offering real plans or solutions for America’s future, he doubled down on his signature cocktail of lies, misinformation, and fearmongering.

For 90 minutes, Trump steered clear of any coherent agenda, preferring instead to fan the flames of division, boasting about his war on reproductive rights, and vilifying immigrants in the most grotesque, racist terms.

Here’s a breakdown of the most outrageous lies Trump spewed during the debate, a spectacle that exposed his dangerous and deceitful vision for America.

1. The Immigrant Boogeyman: Eating Household Pets in Ohio?

In one of his most unhinged moments, Trump falsely claimed that immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, were “eating the dogs” and “cats” of local residents. Yes, you read that right—Trump baselessly declared that Haitian immigrants were abducting and devouring pets, invoking a vile, xenophobic stereotype straight out of a racist playbook.

There is zero evidence to support this absurd claim. Local authorities have debunked it repeatedly. But that hasn’t stopped Trump—and his sycophantic puppet, Ohio Senator J.D. Vance—from pushing this revolting lie to stoke fear among voters. What’s worse is that these dangerous fabrications are not just about distracting people from real issues—they’re about dehumanizing Black and brown immigrants, whipping up hatred to justify their draconian policies.

Trump’s grotesque remarks on immigrants echo some of the ugliest chapters in human history, drawing comparisons to the racist propaganda used to incite violence and genocide. Yet, instead of being called out by fellow Republicans, these lies are embraced, further poisoning our political discourse.

2. “I Have Nothing to Do with Project 2025” – A Convenient Lie

When confronted about Project 2025, a chilling, authoritarian blueprint crafted by the Heritage Foundation to dismantle government agencies and consolidate power in the presidency, Trump tried to wash his hands of the plan. “I have nothing to do with it,” he insisted. But the facts say otherwise.

At least 140 former Trump administration officials played pivotal roles in crafting this far-right roadmap. Among them are Trump’s own deputy chief of staff and six former Cabinet secretaries. It’s yet another attempt by Trump to deceive the public and dodge accountability for a project that threatens to destroy the very fabric of American democracy.

3. Harris “Doesn’t Have a Plan”? Try Again, Trump

With typical arrogance, Trump claimed that Vice President Kamala Harris “doesn’t have a plan” for the country. This is laughably false. Harris has already laid out concrete proposals aimed at delivering relief to struggling American families—something Trump has never shown interest in.

From cutting middle-class taxes to lowering prescription drug prices, bringing costs down on groceries, increasing affordable housing, and offering support to small businesses, Harris’ plans offer real solutions for the economic challenges millions of Americans face. Compare that to Trump, who could only muster up vague “concepts of a plan” during the debate, further proving that he’s out of ideas and out of touch with everyday Americans.

4. The Abortion Lies Keep Coming

In a disgusting display of manipulation, Trump once again trotted out his favorite abortion lie, claiming Democrats support “execution after birth.” Trump’s warped fantasy has no basis in reality. As moderator Linsey Davis pointed out during the debate, “There is no state in this country where it is legal to kill a baby after it’s born.”

Trump’s grotesque distortion of reproductive rights serves only one purpose: to rile up his extremist base with false claims. Meanwhile, Harris has been clear in her support of restoring the protections of Roe v. Wade—an effort aimed at safeguarding women’s right to make decisions about their own bodies, a right that Trump and his Supreme Court allies ripped away.

5. The Overturning of Roe v. Wade Was NOT What Americans Wanted

Trump bragged about the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, claiming that “everyone wanted this issue to be brought back to the states.” This couldn’t be further from the truth. Poll after poll shows that two-thirds of Americans—including in Ohio—did not want Roe overturned. Yet Trump continues to peddle this delusion, ignoring the real harm his policies have inflicted on women across the country.

Harris didn’t hesitate to call out this lie during the debate, bringing up heart-wrenching stories of women denied emergency medical care and survivors of sexual violence forced to carry pregnancies to term. These are not just abstract political debates; these are the horrifying consequences of Trump’s anti-woman agenda.

6. Americans Aren’t Voting on Their Reproductive Rights

Trump blustered about how states are supposedly “voting” on abortion rights. But here’s the truth: in the vast majority of states that have enacted draconian abortion bans, these decisions were made by courts and politicians—not the people. In Ohio, for example, a six-week abortion ban was passed without voters ever having a say. The claim that reproductive rights are in the hands of voters is just another one of Trump’s convenient lies.

7. Shifting Blame for January 6

Trump tried, once again, to absolve himself of responsibility for the January 6 insurrection. His go-to scapegoat? Nancy Pelosi. He claimed she was in charge of security and failed to prevent the violence. The truth? Trump, standing in front of an angry mob, egged them on to storm the Capitol, telling them to “fight like hell.”

For over three hours, while his supporters ransacked the Capitol, Trump did nothing but watch. And when he finally told them to go home, it was with a sickening message: “We love you. You’re very special.” No one is buying Trump’s attempt to rewrite history—except his most devoted followers, desperate to shield him from the consequences of his reckless actions.

8. Crime Has Dropped, Not Skyrocketed

Another debate, another Trump lie about crime. Trump declared that violent crime in the U.S. was “through the roof.” In reality, violent crime decreased significantly after its peak during Trump’s presidency. The FBI’s own data confirms this, but Trump, desperate to scare Americans into voting for him, continues to spin a narrative of lawlessness that simply doesn’t exist.

9. Trump’s COVID-19 Disaster

Trump shamelessly claimed that his administration’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic was “phenomenal.” Tell that to the more than 450,000 Americans who died under his watch, as Trump downplayed the virus, held super-spreader events, and undermined public health efforts at every turn. Reports show that many of these deaths could have been prevented if Trump had taken the pandemic seriously from the start.

10. The Immigrant “Takeover” Lie

Trump’s tirade against immigrants continued as he claimed that they are “taking over” American jobs, particularly those belonging to Black and Hispanic workers. Not only is this claim blatantly false, but data shows that immigrant labor has actually contributed to the record-low Black unemployment rate and boosted wages. In Ohio, Latino business ownership is booming, a testament to the positive economic contributions of immigrants.

11. Every Legal Case Against Him is “Fake”

Facing a mountain of legal challenges, Trump, unsurprisingly, dismissed all of them as “fake” and politically motivated. But let’s not forget: Trump is the first U.S. president to be convicted of multiple felonies. His claims that these prosecutions are part of a political conspiracy are laughable at best. The reality is, Trump is being held accountable for his criminal behavior—something he’s been dodging his entire life.

12. Job Growth Under Biden-Harris is Real

Trump tried to downplay the Biden-Harris administration’s economic success, calling recent job growth nothing more than a “bounce-back.” But the facts don’t lie. Since taking office, the Biden-Harris team has overseen the creation of millions of new jobs, including in Ohio, thanks to massive investments in infrastructure and clean energy. Trump can’t claim credit for this—these are new jobs that didn’t exist under his failed leadership.

13. Trump’s Rallies Aren’t What He Thinks They Are

Finally, Trump boasted about his “massive” rally crowds, claiming no one attends Harris’ events. In reality, Harris has consistently drawn crowds larger than Trump’s this year. Yet, Trump’s delusion of grandeur remains intact, with his supporters as eager as ever to cheer him on—facts be damned.

Trump’s performance at the debate was a stark reminder of his disregard for truth, decency, and the well-being of the American people. His lies and racist rhetoric may resonate with his hardcore base, but for the rest of the country, his vision is one of chaos, division, and destruction.